Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Sunday, April 25, 2010

And away we go!

So, we have decided to jump on the bandwagon and join the world of the bloggers. There are some pretty significant things coming up in our lives and we want to be able to share them with all of the amazing people that we love. I will add more of our history and such as I become more accustomed to the layout of this blog thing. Right now, I just wanted to say that we are happy, healthy and blessed. Our baby is going to be born sometime in the next few weeks. She is due on May 16th... exactly 3 weeks from today! We are practically overflowing with anticipation. You dream of this day your whole life and at times it feels like it may never come. Well, here we are. It's very close and we are feeling all of the joy and anxiety of a new arrival that will change our lives forever. Michaela Jones Griffith is a very active little baby inside the womb. And I mean ACTIVE. She is running out of wiggle room and I am enjoying all of her hiccups, kicks and punches. We can't wait to see what she looks like and if she has hair and how big she is and hear her cry and... shall I go on? We just can't wait to meet her! Matt will be the stinkin' cutest dad and I'm hoping that I will be able to be 1/2 the mom that I want to be. I had some pretty good examples:) Those of you who know my mom and grandmas know what I am talking about. I look forward to making this a really fun place for friends and fam to catch up with us out here in Nashville. We miss you all and love you. Signing off for now! Stef

1 comment:

  1. I get to comment fir-rst, I get to comment fir-rst! Can't decide if I'm glad to have another blog to check in on or not...but if you build it, I will come!
