Happy New Year one and all! We hope the end of this year was a good one for all of you! For our part, we are pretty excited for a new start and a new year. The end of 2010 was kind of a rough one for our family. A lot of our dear friends were going through tough times and our family on both sides got some bad news and suffered some losses. It was not a great December for us in that way and we were missing our family and friends in Colorado really bad. But, when the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window and there are positive things that are shining through the darkness. We are grateful for the example of our close friends and family and their Faith in hard times.
Enough of that. :) So, what have we been up to besides all of that? Well, we were slightly stressed about getting together a good Christmas for our baby girl since it was her very first one. Thank goodness Santa knows how to deliver by using friends and family to help us out! I know that Michaela wouldn't have cared if she got anything for Christmas this year but, as a new mommy, I would have been devastated if we couldn't do anything for our precious girl this year. Luckily we didn't have that problem. We did have to brave Wal Mart on Christmas Eve Eve... it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Most people must have already had their shopping done by then. Well, we ended up having a wonderful, quiet Christmas here in Nashville. It was just Matthew, Michaela and me and we opened presents and Miki played with the paper to her hearts delight! She got clothes and toys and Matt and I got slippers, movies and a few much needed articles of clothes. We loved the quiet Christmas morning in our pj's with our baby. Next year we are hoping for a not-so-quiet Christmas morning with our family in Colorado! Let's all shoot for that!
Our year has ended very differently than it began. We have an amazing 7 1/2 month old daughter who was only a little baby bump last New Years. She has completely and totally changed our lives for the better. I can't imagine not having her in our lives and we look forward to growing our family even bigger in the years to come! Right now she is so much fun. She can sit up on her own and she loves banging toys together and yelling constantly. She is soooo happy all of the time! She loves meeting new people and she wasn't even afraid of Santa! She is so amazing and we love her so much! What a blessing to be parents. Our Heavenly Father has certainly blessed us this year. We are excited for a new year and new possibilities. Thank you everyone and we love you so much!