Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Difficult Time in my life

I have to say, I am actually going through a difficult time right now. But instead of talking about that, I will talk about one of the other times in my life when I struggled.

When I was a Sophomore/Junior in college, my brother was deployed in Iraq. Because of his job, we didn't know for sure where he was. We were hearing on the news every day about soldiers being killed and attacks in Iraq. A lot of them were Marines, which is what Adam is. I always was reassured in the back of my mind that he was ok but every time the news came on there was just a tightening in my heart. I would sit in my dorm room and my grandparents house and just pray and pray for Adam and all of the soldiers and their families. Those that were lost and those in danger. During this time, one of my closest friends was going through one of the hardest times in his life. It was extremely difficult to watch him going through these emotions and changes in his life and to try and be a good support and friend for him. The combination of both of these events made it so hard that I was often on the brink of tears. I carried my scriptures around throughout the day and was reading them constantly to draw on the words of the Savior and Prophets for inspiration. It did help. I had a few Priesthood Blessings from my Bishop at church. I was struggling to be a good friend and support to my friend, and to my family as we were all going through the separation of having our son/brother in harms way.

All I can say about this time is that it was hard. I drew on my testimony and the testimony of friends to help me get through. My family is awesome and we love and support each other through everything. My brother has been home and safe for a long time now and I am so grateful. My friend got through his difficult time and is a bright, shining person who is so strong, even if he doesn't know it.

I am so blessed to have the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to have the people in my life that I do. Hard times come to us all. We just need to draw on the strength that is offered to us and we will succeed at anything that comes our way in this life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad that you are not happy right now. I wish I could do more for you. I love you and your husband and your babies!
