Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Makes Me Feel Better, Always

I guess I am just gonna have to be reconciled to the fact that I have some pretty cliche answers to a lot of these prompts. Oh, well. I guess if I try too hard to be original it won't be true to who I am. So, what makes me feel better always?

1. Michaela. She constantly amazes me at how positive she is. She is not phased by anything. She is so sweet and if I am upset she says: "Oh, mommy sad?? I'll give you a hug." And then she does. And she gives me kisses if I stub my toe or scratch myself or something. She is so sweet and nurturing already and she is only 2. I love having her around me all the time. She reminds me not to sweat the small stuff.

2. Matthew. If there was one person in the universe that I could choose to be with all the time and forever, it would be him. I guess it's a good thing he married me, right? He is funny, sweet, sympathetic, compassionate and many more redeemable qualities. He is working so extremely hard right now to simultaneously pursue his music career and take care of us. When he is away from me I feel it physically. There is a hollow feeling that accompanies his absence. When he comes home, I feel better even if I felt good already. His touch soothes me and his words of wisdom help me through tough times. We are so lucky to be best friends. We love doing things together. He always can make me feel better, no matter what.

3. Visits home. This includes, of course seeing all of our family in our favorite places. That one doesn't need much more of an explanation.

4. Seeing people doing nice things for strangers. This always will make me feel better. I love when people aren't afraid to show love and compassion to others. Whether they know them or not it is a great thing to spread kindness around the world.

1 comment:

  1. #4 got me. You are right, there's something pretty wonderful about watching others reach out and care.
