Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Monday, March 26, 2012

Here we go again!

Good morning! Well, here we are again. We have spread the word around now and so I can talk about it everywhere. We are having baby #2 at the beginning of September! We are very excited. We get to find out the sex of our baby in less than 2 weeks on Friday April 6, 2012. We are a bit divided with our guesses. I think it's a boy, Matt is leaning towards a girl. I can honestly say it doesn't matter but it's always fun to guess. Miki is going to be a good big sister. We have asked her if she wants a little sister or brother and her answer varies between "No" and "Not yet." Well, she is really good with the kids we have at our house during the week that mommy watches and she is such a nurturer. I know it will be good. We have names for the baby picked out and will let everyone know once we know what the baby is.

An exciting thing about having the ultrasound on the 6th is that my mom is going to be here in Nashville for her Spring break to visit!! To say that we are excited is a huuuuge understatement. We got to go home for Christmas which was so wonderful but she will be our first visitor out here since last summer. We are so happy that we get to show her our house. Last time she was here was when Miki was born and Miki will be turning 2 in just over a month! Crazy how time flies. There will be lots of pictures and fun times from her visit. She is coming on the 2nd of April and will be here till the 7th. Never enough time but we are going to squeeze the best out of every moment.

Speaking of my pregnancy. I would like to take the opportunity it say: sometimes it's really hard to grow a baby inside your body! I felt nauseated when I was pregnant with Miki and got sick a few times. I thought that was bad at the time. Weeeellll, let me tell you. This one is much worse. I have thrown up like 10 times or more, I will throw up so long and so hard that I burst the blood vessels in my face and have lovely red blotches for days afterwards. My acid reflux has been so bad that I gag at the slightest provocation. Or just with no provocation. I have taken some Zofran for the nausea which helps not to get sick but hasn't alleviated all of the yucky feelings. With the hormones and meds, I have been very constipated. (TMI??) Exhaustion comes along with all of these fun symptoms. As you know, I watch kids at my house during the week. I have 2 regulars, 1 that comes sometimes and I just started with another full time kiddo. They are all under 18 months old. To say that it's been hard for me is definitely true. My husband is wonderful. He steps up and has helped me when he can. He works from home now and keeps very busy but manages to take time to help his pathetic wife out every day. Some days I just cried and cried cause I was so tired of being sick and tired. I was tired of being such a burden to my family. I felt so bad that I couldn't be functioning on all cylinders for Michaela. There were days that we just sat and watched Blues Clues or Tangled and read books cause that's all I had energy for. She is such a trooper. I love her so much! She has truly changed my life and taught me the meaning of love and happiness.

On a happier note, I feel like I have turned a corner with my sickness. I still take the medication to help me but I have more energy now and am able to do more at home and for the kiddos. I am just over 16 weeks along now and hoping that I will continue to feel better. I have not been able to exercise as much as I did with Miki but I did start doing Zumba once a week and am trying to get out and enjoy the weather and walk or at least sit in the fresh air with Miki and the other kids.

Matt is working away making demo's for other songwriters and writing more amazing songs of his own. He is getting really good at recording and his recordings have even been mistaken by "professionals" as full studio demo's. He has some projects that are going really well and we are hoping to hear back from some people soon about those projects. He is looking for ways to bring in money and work for himself all the time. He is a rock star. Miki and I don't know what we would do without him.

April is shaping up to be a busy month for the Griffith's. If anyone gets a hankering for some southern sun and fun, come on down to Nashville! We have a house with space now so we welcome anyone who would like to come! Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are starting to feel better. I can't wait for baaaaaaabbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
