1. Go to Australia and New Zealand
2. Take our family to Disneyworld.
3. Go to the Harry Potter theme park.
4. Have more kids
5. Travel around Europe more/again
6. Buy a house in Colorado
Those are just a few off the top of my head ideas. I have to say a lot of these things are just things we wanna do in the next 10 years. That qualifies, though right? As long as I have my family, I am pretty content. Matt and I love having adventures together and travel creates a lot of adventures. I also must say that these are not in any particular order. If you asked me what was on my "What do you want to happen for yourself and the people you love list?" the list would become a lot longer and more interesting. But, alas, we must save that one for another day.
Anyone wanna take me to Florida?
http://www.universalorlando.com/harrypotter/ Just check this out. How could any HP fan not want to go? Seriously?