Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Friday, June 15, 2012

Blog Challenge: Today's the day!

The timeline of my day. Huh. Let's see. Well, I am a stay at home mom who watches kids while I am at home with Miki during the week so my day usually looks like this:

7:00 Wake Up and get some clothes on, open up the house for my kids who arrive shortly
7:15 Tyler arrives
7:30 Abby arrives/Miki wakes up
7:30-8:00 Feed Abby a bottle, get Miki some breakfast
8:15 Feed Tyler a bottle
8:30 Change Diapers/Get Miki dressed
9:00 Playtime with kids
9:30 Abby down for a nap/feed Tyler a bottle and he goes down for a nap
10:00 Watch some veggie tales with Miki
11:00 Abby wakes, play time, feeding time, diaper time
11:30 Feed Miki lunch, text Tyler's mom when he wakes up so she can come feed him
12:00-2:00 Diapers, naps, playtime, paint, coloring, reading, cleaning if I can-mostly in the kitchen or throw in a load of laundry
2:00 Abby down for afternoon nap, hopefully Miki and Tyler sleep too. (Never a guarantee.)
3:30-4:00 Kiddos wake up, diapers, bottles, snacks
3:00-4:00 Watch Ellen while doing the above

Note: rarely do all the kid sleep at the same time so this is on a good day.

4:15-4:30 Tyler is picked up
5:00 Abby is picked up
5:15 Clean house and take Miki out to play, sometimes I shower
6:00 Make dinner/hang out with Matthew/run any errands we need to depending on what night of the week it is.
7:00-8:30 watch TV or out and about rehearsing, watching Matt's gigs, or just hanging at home
8:30-9:00 Bedtime for Miki
9:30-10:00 Bedtime for Mommy and Daddy

As you all know with kids, this is an outline of approximations. It is generally what I like to try and stick to but things are different every day. It's pretty busy though in case you weren't picking up on that. And a lot of work for this pregnant mamma!


  1. You forgot to add CRASH at the end of the night...at least that's how I feel especially by Friday... phew! that's a alot of diapers, bottles and snacks in a day.
    You are amazing~

  2. Thanks Jess. You are too! An inspiration to me for sure:)
