Fall 2016

Fall 2016

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Something I miss

I am sure that everyone is tired of hearing about how bad I miss my family but it's just the truth. I am blessed to be part of a large and loving family and we have always been close with each other. It is really hard for me to be the one that is farthest away right now. I know that they are not always in the same place either but the fact that they can drive to each other much more quickly than I can makes it hard for me. It's a lot more expensive for us to go and visit family at the drop of a hat than if we were closer.

I miss Colorado almost as much as I miss my family. Every time we fly home and I see the mountains out of the airplane window, I start to cry. And I cry again when we leave. I have traveled to many many places and I truly believe I was blessed to grow up in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. There is desert, mountains, rivers, lakes, trees, gorgeous blue skies and so much wildlife it's like the discovery channel. I love Colorado and I love Utah.

I miss my friend Lindsay. She is one of those people that it doesn't matter how long it is between visits, we pick right up where we left off. We love each others kids and husbands and families. We are lucky to have a friendship like we do.

I miss my friend Christopher. A lot. He lives in New York City. He is a full-time musician and he is making his way in a very hard place to be successful. He is talented, giving, loving and always will be one of my best friends. He was in my wedding as one of my attendants and I can talk to him about anything and know that I won't be judged. We have the same handwriting. We can look at each other in a certain situation and know exactly what the other one is thinking and we just burst out laughing. Hehehe:) We are quite the pair and I miss him every day.

1 comment:

  1. I Teared up a little bit when I read about Christopher...partly because I love him and partly because I'm jealous of your friendship. I don't think have one single best friend (outside immediate family) that I have been able to maintain that good of a relationship with. You are both blessed to have each other!
